T25. Because all the cool kids are doing it.

Last year Chris and I started doing the Insanity workout DVDs. I’m active and fit (usually), but found Insanity challenging, especially when simultaneously training for a marathon. I heard from some friends that a newer program by the same coach (Shaun T) had been released, called T25. It’s high intensity and similar to Insanity, but each DVD is only 25 minutes long. Don’t be fooled, it’s 25 minutes of HARD work, but fortunately it’s only 25 minutes. Twenty-five minutes a day of exercise is manageable for almost anyone!

Chris and I spent nearly two weeks at all-inclusive resorts in Mexico in December, and then it was Christmas when we returned, so we literally did nothing but eat and relax for the majority of the month. Come the new year, we knew it was time to buckle down and get back in shape. I ordered the DVDs off amazon.ca and started the program the first week of January.

The DVDs came with two different cycles, alpha and beta but they’re all in the same case. I didn’t pay much attention to the case, but just pulled out a DVD that said “cardio” and started doing it. About halfway through the twenty-five minutes (and too late for me to want to change it!) I realized I was totally doing the beta cardio, rather than the alpha. I struggled my post-wedding/vacation/Christmas butt through it, but it wasn’t pretty…

There’s also a third level of T25 (gamma), but you need to order it separately. However after a month of T25 alpha, I’m well on my way and am ready to start beta soon! It feels great!

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